Sunday, April 29, 2007

Alll about Makenna Lian.....

Well we received her translated information and here goes

She is very happy and loves to smile

She make "ah ah ah " sounds at the Nannies for attention

She throws all of the toys outside her crib so the Nannies will come and pick them up(that's my girl)

She eats formula, rice, noodles, and fruits

She weighed 18 lbs in January

And the orphange put a special note in wishing her well and wanting us to know how much they love her

Can't not wait to go and get her!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't be happier for you!!! Your daughter is just beautiful and so sweet in her expressions, she needs a big hug soon! Thanks for sharing the special news!
Enjoy the journey!

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD

Makenna's Sign

Tracey's Sign