Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Everything is Offical!

Well today we went to the official civil affairs office and had 2 interviews and she is officially a Morrow!!! After we got back this morning from our appointments we hung out in the room and played. Makenna had a bad day today, she only wanted mommy if daddy looked at her she screamed. And then I couldn't put her down, it breaks my heart to see her this sad. We did eat lunch and rested and then She completely changed she loved both of us and she was really happy. Her are some things we have found out about her:
She wears a 9 or 12 months
She weighs 17 lbs
She wears a 12 shoe
She has a rash on her face and head from being in the heat,along with mosquito bites.(we are treating her with a rash cream and hydrocortosine)
She has a bad cough, but it is getting better tonight
She has a bad temper and impatient(I know ;-)
She is very loving and sweet
She loves to be held and eating
She loves toys, but you better have several
She loves to walk or ride

Overall she is a doll, and very loving little girl.

Enjoy the pictures

Oh by the way I bought a Coach purse and wallet for $200 yuan (US $43.00)


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for the 2 of you and your new family!! I can't wait till you guys come home and I can see you both and little miss Makenna!! Miss you! Be safe and careful! Best wishes and may God bless you and your new family! Congratulations Tracey and Jeff! We love you!

Anonymous said...

Well if she is impatient and has a bad temper she is a true Morrow.
She is so beautiful and is already posing for the camera. Can't wait to see her in those traditional outfits. Love to you both,
Punkin & Jimmy
PS We're already showing her off at work to anyone who passes by the cubicle.

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD

Makenna's Sign

Tracey's Sign