Saturday, June 23, 2007


This past week has been an adventure. From the doctor visits to the family and friends who stop by at random--which we love! We have went to Wal-mart, Krogers, and the local market. Makenna loves to be out riding and staying busy. She gets fussier staying in the house than anything. Makenna has gone from being reserved to open and some what trusting of others. She still looks at us for approval of other people wanting to hold her. Our family have been great with her, and she is starting to form bonds with different people. Granny G and Aunt Joy she seems very found of. Everyday is a totally different day with an adventure waiting for us.
Today Grandpa Rickey and Shirley came by, and then Aunt Punkin, Uncle Jimmy, Muddy, Old Jo, Katlin, and her new Beau....Makenna was quite taken with Uncle Jimmy. We grilled out and ate a wonderful meal. After everyone left Granny G came over and for the first time bonded with Makenna and she loved every minute of it. As for tonight we are going to try to go to sleep, I think we are all overdue for a nap! Stay tuned for Makenna's updates and pictures. She will be having surgury in the fall, we decided to prolong it until she becomes more secure. Much Love and Big Hugggs....

1 comment:

A Mom- In-W8ing said...

Congratulations!!! Makenna is BEAUTIFUL!!

Smiles! :o)
Nikki - NS, Can.
LID - 29/12/06

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD

Makenna's Sign

Tracey's Sign