Saturday, June 2, 2007

Day 2 in China

Hello everyone! When we got up this morning we went downstairs to eat breakfast, and it was very good here at The Victory Hotel. We ate everything from omelets to soft noodles. YUMMY--- We did meet other families and that was awesome. Thanks again Erin!
After breakfast we went out this morning and went to the neighborhood market to get some groceries. We got bottled water,bananas, 2 liter diet Pepsi, Sunkist, pringles, and dove chocolate bar! All for $63 yuan, about $8 us dollars. Pretty good deal. We also stopped at the ladybug corner and bought Makenna a blanket, and a traditional outfit. It started to rain, and when it rains it pours literally! So we came back to the hotel and watch Star Wars , on the only American channel today was Star Wars marathon. ;-)
This afternoon we have been walking around the island here, it is a very cool place. Alot of tourist here from different parts of China, and American families with Chinese children. We ended up at the Pearl River and The White Swan hotel. Alot of the pictures are from those areas. We ate at Lucy's restaurant and it was REALLY good! We ate American fried chicken and chicken quesidilla! On the way back we saw a wedding, it was very cool. We also saw a dog groomer, people brings the dogs to the park and a then the groomer grooms the dogs.
Now we are back at the hotel trying to relax and prepare for our adoption meeting tomorrow and gotcha day on Monday!
I want to Thank everyone for the emails we have been receiving, it is great to hear from people at home!

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Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD

Makenna's Sign

Tracey's Sign