Sunday, June 3, 2007

Day 3 in China

Well today we started the day by doing what has become the norm. We ate breakfast and it is really good. Then we went out to the shops and purchased Makenna an outfit, and Daddy a shirt he wanted. Then we came back to the hotel and rested this afternoon before our meeting with Joselyn our guide. Then this afternoon we got Makenna's feeding and eating schedule. She gets up at 6am and eats and 7, 8:30, 11:00 and naps between 12-2 and then eats another bottle in the afternoon and one before bed with apple and or a biscuit - which is a cookie.
Well after the meeting it hit us this is our last night as childless parents, and we are so excited! Joselyn took us out to eat at a traditional Thai restaurant, it was pretty good. We are having fun with our travel family the Rohrs, they are really great to be with.
We finished out the night at Starbucks, I got a mango slushy, and Jeff of course got a piece of Chocolate cake.
Stay tuned for tomorrows events:
We plan to go to a wal-mart type store and then to meet our children at 3:30 and back to the hotel at 5:30. Enjoy the pics.......

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Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD

Makenna's Sign

Tracey's Sign